Fig.1 |
Consider the following simple two state markov switching AR(1) model
and the state
So that the transition probabilities are as follows
and the vector of unknown parameters which need to be estimated are
In the R code given below I simulated 200 observations from this model and estimated the parameters by maximum likelihood. I found that the likelihood function can be very flat with lots of local maxima, thus the parameter estimates can differ significantly depending on the choice of starting values used. To try and limit the possibility of selecting parameter estimates that only yield a local maximum I repeated the estimation procedure 50 times using random starting values to generate a list of potential MLEs. Then I simply chose the parameter estimates that corresponded to the largest likelihood from the list. In a future post I'll see if I can get faster and more reliable estimates using the Gibbs sampler.
Fig.2 shows that both the smoothed and filtered probabilities offer an accurate reflection of the true underlying state at each date.
# generate data for a AR(1) markov switching model with the following pars
# state 0: y_t = 2 + 0.5 * y_{t-1} + e1_t
# state 1: y_t = -1 + 0.8 * y_{t-1} + e2_t
# where e1_t ~ N(0,1), e2_t ~ N(0,0.5^2)
# transition probabilities p_s0_s1 = p_s1_s0 = 0.20
# generate realisations of the state
n <- 200
gamma_s0 <- qnorm(0.8)
gamma_s1 <- qnorm(0.2)
gamma <- rep(0,n)
state <- rep(0,n)
# choose initial state at t=0 to be state 0
gamma[1] <- gamma_s0
state[1] <- 0
for(i in 2:n) {
if(rnorm(1) < gamma[i-1]) {
gamma[i] <- gamma_s0
state[i] <- 0
else {
gamma[i] <- gamma_s1
state[i] <- 1
# generate observations
# choose y_0 = 0
# recall state at t=1 was set to 0
y1 <- 2 + 0.5 * 0 + rnorm(1, sd = 1)
y <- rep(0,n)
y[1] <- y1
for(i in 2:n) {
if(state[i]==0) {
y[i] <- 2 + 0.5 * y[i-1] + rnorm(1, sd = 1)
else {
y[i] <- -1 + 0.8 * y[i-1] + rnorm(1, sd = 0.5)
# convert into time series object
y <- ts(y, start = 1, freq = 1)
hamilton.filter <- function(theta, y) {
# construct parameters
beta_s0 <- theta[1:2]
beta_s1 <- theta[3:4]
sigma2_s0 <- exp(theta[5])
sigma2_s1 <- exp(theta[6])
gamma_s0 <- theta[7]
gamma_s1 <- theta[8]
# construct probabilities
#probit specification
p_s0_s0 <- pnorm(gamma_s0)
p_s0_s1 <- pnorm(gamma_s1)
p_s1_s0 <- 1-pnorm(gamma_s0)
p_s1_s1 <- 1-pnorm(gamma_s1)
# # # construct transition probability matrix P # # #
P.mat <- matrix(c(p_s0_s0, p_s1_s0, p_s0_s1, p_s1_s1), nrow = 2, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
# create data matrix
X <- cbind(1,y)
# assume erogodicity of the markov chain
# use unconditional probabilities
p0_s0 <- (1 - p_s1_s1) / (2 -p_s0_s0 -p_s1_s1)
p0_s1 <- 1-p0_s0
# create variables
p_s0_t_1 <- rep(0, nrow(X))
p_s1_t_1 <- rep(0, nrow(X))
p_s0_t <- rep(0, nrow(X))
p_s1_t <- rep(0, nrow(X))
f_s0 <- rep(0,nrow(X)-1)
f_s1 <- rep(0,nrow(X)-1)
f <- rep(0,nrow(X)-1)
logf <- rep(0, nrow(X)-1)
p_s0_t[1] <- p0_s0
p_s1_t[1] <- p0_s1
# initiate hamilton filter
for(i in 2:nrow(X)) {
# calculate prior probabilities using the TPT
# TPT for this example gives us
# p_si_t_1 = p_si_t_1_si * p_si_t + p_si_t_1_sj * p_si_t
# where p_si_t_1 is the prob state_t = i given information @ time t-1
# p_si_t_1_sj is the prob state_t = i given state_t_1 = j, and all info @ time t-1
# p_si_t is the prob state_t = i given information @ time t
# in this simple example p_si_t_1_sj = p_si_sj
p_s0_t_1[i] <- (p_s0_s0 * p_s0_t[i-1]) + (p_s0_s1 * p_s1_t[i-1])
p_s1_t_1[i] <- (p_s1_s0 * p_s0_t[i-1]) + (p_s1_s1 * p_s1_t[i-1])
# calculate density function for observation i
# f_si is density conditional on state = i
# f is the density
f_s0[i] <- dnorm(y[i]-X[i-1,]%*%beta_s0, sd = sqrt(sigma2_s0))
f_s1[i] <- dnorm(y[i]-X[i-1,]%*%beta_s1, sd = sqrt(sigma2_s1))
f[i] <- (f_s0[i] * p_s0_t_1[i]) + (f_s1[i] * p_s1_t_1[i])
# calculate filtered/posterior probabilities using bayes rule
# p_si_t is the prob that state = i given information @ time t
p_s0_t[i] <- (f_s0[i] * p_s0_t_1[i]) / f[i]
p_s1_t[i] <- (f_s1[i] * p_s1_t_1[i]) / f[i]
logf[i] <- log(f[i])
logl <-sum(logf)
output <- list(p_s0_t_1 = p_s0_t_1, p_s1_t_1 = p_s1_t_1,f.prob_s0 = p_s0_t,f.prob_s1 = p_s1_t,T.mat = P.mat,logLik = logl)
#construct negative loglikelihood function
neg.logl <- function(theta,y) {
out <- hamilton.filter(theta,y)
# pick start values for the 7 unknown parameters
# k is the number of times the estim procedure is run
# different starting values for each run
k <- 50
start_val <- matrix(rnorm(8*k), nrow = 8, ncol = k)
#matrix to store parameter estimates
par.cand <- matrix(NA,nrow = 8, ncol = k)
#row vector to store likelihood values
like.cand <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = k)
#list to store hessian matrices
Hess.cand <- sapply(1:k, function(x) { matrix(0,nrow = 8, ncol = 8) }, simplify = FALSE)
for(i in 1:k) {
x <-optim(start_val[,i],neg.logl,y=y, hessian = TRUE)
par.cand[,i] <- x$par
like.cand[,i] <-x$value
Hess.cand[[i]] <- x$hessian
cat("Iteration", i, "of", k, "\n")
results <- rbind(like.cand,par.cand)
# # # select mle from candidates # # #
like.cand <- results[1,]
index <- which.min(like.cand) <- results[-1,index]
hessian <- Hess.cand[[index]]
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # get filtered probabilities # # #
output <- hamilton.filter(,y)
fprob_s0 <- output$f.prob_s0
fprob_s1 <- output$f.prob_s1
# # # get transition matrix # # #
Tmat <- output$T.mat
# # # define kim's smoothing algorithm # # #
kim.smooth <- function(T.mat,fp_s0,fp_s1,p_s0_t_1,p_s1_t_1) {
n <- length(fp_s0)
# create smoothed probability variables
p_s0_T <- rep(0,n)
p_s1_T <- rep(0,n)
# assign initial values to implement kim's algo
p_s0_T[n] <- fp_s0[n]
p_s1_T[n] <- fp_s1[n]
# initiate recursion
for(i in (n-1):1) {
p_s0_T[i] <- fp_s0[i] * ( T.mat[1,1] * (p_s0_T[i+1]/p_s0_t_1[i+1]) + T.mat[2,1] *(p_s1_T[i+1]/p_s1_t_1[i+1]))
p_s1_T[i] <- fp_s1[i] * ( T.mat[1,2] * (p_s0_T[i+1]/p_s0_t_1[i+1]) + T.mat[2,2] *(p_s1_T[i+1]/p_s1_t_1[i+1]))
output <- list(p_s0_T = p_s0_T, p_s1_T = p_s1_T)
# # # get smoothed probabilities using kim's algo # # #
smoothed.output <- kim.smooth(T.mat = Tmat, fp_s0 = fprob_s0, fp_s1 = fprob_s1, p_s0_t_1 = output$p_s0_t_1, p_s1_t_1 = output$p_s1_t_1)
p_s0_T <- smoothed.output$p_s0_T
p_s1_T <- smoothed.output$p_s1_T
# # # plot results # # #
state <- ts(state, start = 1, freq = 1)
par(mfrow = c(3,1))
plot.ts(y, ylab = "y", main = "Observed series")
plot.ts(cbind(state,p_s1_T), plot.type = c("single"), col = c("black","red"), ylab = "probability/state value", main = "True state and Smoothed probabilities", lty = c(2,1))
legend("topleft",legend = c("true","smoothed prob"), col = c("black", "red"), lty = c(1,1))
plot.ts(cbind(fprob_s1,p_s1_T), plot.type = c("single"), col = c("blue","red"), ylab = "probability", main = "Filtered and Smoothed probabilities", lty = c(1,1))
legend("topleft",legend = c("filtered prob","smoothed prob"), col = c("blue", "red"), lty = c(1,1))
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